Músicas irritantes que ficam na cabeça
ALGUM PSICÓLOGO certamente deve ter explicado o terrível fenômeno do "essa música não sai da minha cabeça". Sabe, quando você se pega cantarolando alguma coisa e a tal música continua vindo o tempo todo, independentemente dos seus esforços para se livrar do pensamento irritante?
Poizé. Ao cometer o terrível engano de ler a Ilustrada hoje, uma música grudou na minha cabeça. E o pior: é Belle & Sebastian (aaaaaahhhhh!). Das mais depressivas. Sente o drama:
Ooh! get me away from here I’m dying
Play me a song to set me free
Nobody writes them like they used to
So it may as well be me
Here on my own now after hours
Here on my own now on a bus
Think of it this way
You could either be successful or be us
With our winning smiles, and us
With our catchy tunes and words
Now we’re photogenic
You know, we don’t stand a chance
Oh, I’ll settle down with some old story
About a boy who’s just like me
Thought there was love in everything and everyone
You’re so naive!
They always reach a sorry ending
They always get it in the end
Still it was worth it as I turned the pages solemnly, and then
With a winning smile, the poor boy
With naivety succeeds
At the final moment, I cried
I always cry at endings
Oh, that wasn’t what I meant to say at all
From where I’m sitting, rain
Falling against the lonely tenement
Has set my mind to wander
Into the windows of my lovers
They never know unless I write
This is no declaration, I just thought I’d let you know goodbye
Said the hero in the story
It is mightier than swords
I could kill you sure
But I could only make you cry with these words
(pelo menos não é Ivete Sangallo...)
Poizé. Ao cometer o terrível engano de ler a Ilustrada hoje, uma música grudou na minha cabeça. E o pior: é Belle & Sebastian (aaaaaahhhhh!). Das mais depressivas. Sente o drama:
Ooh! get me away from here I’m dying
Play me a song to set me free
Nobody writes them like they used to
So it may as well be me
Here on my own now after hours
Here on my own now on a bus
Think of it this way
You could either be successful or be us
With our winning smiles, and us
With our catchy tunes and words
Now we’re photogenic
You know, we don’t stand a chance
Oh, I’ll settle down with some old story
About a boy who’s just like me
Thought there was love in everything and everyone
You’re so naive!
They always reach a sorry ending
They always get it in the end
Still it was worth it as I turned the pages solemnly, and then
With a winning smile, the poor boy
With naivety succeeds
At the final moment, I cried
I always cry at endings
Oh, that wasn’t what I meant to say at all
From where I’m sitting, rain
Falling against the lonely tenement
Has set my mind to wander
Into the windows of my lovers
They never know unless I write
This is no declaration, I just thought I’d let you know goodbye
Said the hero in the story
It is mightier than swords
I could kill you sure
But I could only make you cry with these words
(pelo menos não é Ivete Sangallo...)
Depois de 10 anos resolvi passar ferias como na minha infancia, na casa de praia. Feas extra-longas, 2 semanas, como jamais fiz. Ao inves da brisa do mar com chero de areia, agora temos em cass o cheiro insuportavel de fritura vindo das barraquinhasque instalaram-se DENTRO do terreno. E as musicas que emanam de la fazem Ivete Sangalo parecer Marlene Dietrich. A de ontem tinha um refrao assim: "estou namorando uma donzela, mas tou comendo a mae dela." Tambem tenho uma musica que nao sai da cabeca, a do Smiths: "...this is the coastal town, that they forgot to bomb down, armaggedon, come armaggedon, come armaggedon, come..."
Sei BEM como é. Meus pais há 30 anos passam o verão no mesmo lugar, na mesma praia que antes era um pequeno paraíso relativamente isolado de Salvador onde eu costumava correr pelado e agora virou downtown, a faixa de areia completamente tomada por barracas e lixo (não necessariamente nesta ordem), isso pra não falar na música.
Sabe o que é mais pitoresco? Eles INSISTEM em freqüentar o local.
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